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With a little help from our friends!

Author: Lucio Cadeddu - TNT Italy
Published: May, 2023

As you may know, TNT-Audio is self-supported (since 1995!) by yours truly and the generous unpaid work of our team of reviewers. Recently, we've added the possibility for you to lend us a hand by means of a voluntary fund raising campaign via Paypal.

Some readers have decided to support us with a small monthly donation, others have contributed with more generous one-time donations. We thank you all! The campaign started in August 2022 and, so far, we have partly used the money you generously donated to build a small fund that will allow us to redesign the website completely. Moreover, we've started to reward our team of translators (from English into Italian) who work for free to ensure the website is constantly available in both languages. Finally, we've started using a small part of the money to purchase components and accessories that HiFi manufacturers won't send us on loan, because they're not interested in reviews or for other reasons. This will allow us to review interesting, typically low-cost components, that could be interesting for our readers.

Our initial plan was to raise enough money to guarantee some kind of refund of expenses to our reviewers, when visiting a show or a factory, or even to give them a small amount of money for each published review. At the moment, this is not possible, since the funds raising campaign hasn't reached a reasonable threshold that would allow this. Maybe it will be done in the future, let's see. Our primary goal, just now, is to redesign the website.

The reason for this short article was two-fold: first, to update you on the fund raising campaign and, secondly, to let you know that the Paypal DONATE NOW banner/button is now working again. If, during the last few weeks, you have tried to donate via Paypal, their website displayed a warning or an error. Paypal temporarily blocked the campaign because they needed us to submit other documents (which we had already submitted!). Now everything is working again.

A heartfelt thanks for all of your help! It means you appreciate our work and believe, like us, in TRULY independent reviewing.

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© Copyright 2023 Lucio Cadeddu - direttore@tnt-audio.com - www.tnt-audio.com