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Top Audio '99 - Milan - Italy
[Italian version]
The Milan Top Audio & Video Show is certainly the most popular, large and visited HiFi event in Italy: if you want to see the latest developments and names in the Italian HiFi scene...you MUST pay this Show a visit.
The Show will take place from 9th to 13rd of September so you can plan and prepare your trip in time...but hurry up!
The weather in Milan during the first weeks of September is usually excellent: warm and sunny, it certainly invites to spend at least a couple of weeks there.
The Show will be located, as usual, at the Quark Hotel in Milan, Via Lampedusa and entrance is free.
Well-known Italian HiFi Companies will attend (Sonus Faber, Chario, Audio Analogue etc.) together with new names in the biz: the Italian scene is very lively (much more than the REAL market, actually) and we're sure you'll find anything you may dream of: tubes, high efficiency loudspeakers, high-powered solid state amps, DVD players and converters (some good news from Audio Analogue...see our factory tour on TNT!)....all designed and built with the classic gorgeous World-renowned Italian style. There will be plenty of room for your your listening tests: 70 rooms and several auditoriums for live concerts.
This year the scheduled events are pretty interesting:
- Not to miss!: a comparison test between DVD-Audio and SACD, courtesy thanks to Audiophile Sound (the mag). The event takes place at Sala Mizar 3 at: 10 a.m., 11 a.m., 12:00, 2 p.m., 15 p.m., 16 p.m. 17 p.m.
- Seminar: The role of the images on the musical listening experience by Marco Cicogna, Audio Review (Italian mag). Place: Auditorium sala Andromeda. When: every day at 10 a.m., 1 p.m., 3 p.m.
- Music from the past: The Sound of the Fortepiano from 1813, Claudio Veneri in collaboration with Audio Review. Place: Auditorium Sala Andromeda, when: 10, 11, 12 September at 12:00 and 5 p.m.
- Debate: Music or HiFi? - in collaboration with the mag Musica.
Place: Sala Quasar. When: Saturday 11 at 11 a.m.
- Home entertainment: CEDIA presentation in collaboration with the mag Casa Futura. Place: Sala Quasar. When: Sunday 12 at 5:30 p.m.
As for live concerts (sala Quasar):
- 9/9, h. 4 p.m. and 5 p.m. - Big Band Jazz Company (Gabriele Comeglio)
- 10/9, h. 1 p.m. - Joao Paulo at the piano, jazz concert
- 10/9, h. 3:30 p.m. - Michael Rosen at the piano - quartet
- 10/9, h. 5:30 p.m. - Joao Paulo at the piano, jazz concert
- 11/9, h. 1 p.m. - Joao Paulo at the piano, jazz concert
- 11/9, h. 2 p.m. - Sabina Sciubba and Antonio Forcione - guitar and voice
- 11/9, h. 3 p.m., 4 p.m. - Bossa Nova Group (Bruna Loppez)
- 11/9, h. 5 p.m. - Sabina Sciubba and Antonio Forcione - guitar and voice
- 11/9, h. 6 p.m. - Joao Paulo at the piano, jazz concert
- 12/9, h. 12:00, 1 p.m. - Joao Paulo at the piano, jazz concert
- 12/9, h. 2 p.m., 3 p.m. - Sabina Sciubba and Antonio Forcione - guitar and voice
- 12/9, h. 4 p.m. 5 p.m. - Nick the Nightfly & Group, special guest Amedeo Bianchi
All the concerts organized by Nick the Nightfly and Sound and Music
We will be there, as usual, chatting with you readers, listening to some good Music (hopefully) and generally hanging around and having fun (isn't HiFi Fun, after all?). So we'll wait for you at the Top Audio 99, it will be easy to "detect" us, both because you may have seen our faces here on TNT and because we will be wearing some cool brand new TNT-Audio shirts.
For more infos about the Top Audio 99, contact the organizers browsing the APAF site. Otherwise contact Dametti advertising, Via Vitruvio 38 -20124 Milano. Phone: ++39-2-6693113 - Fax: ++39-2-6709312 - E-mail: apaf@mclink.it
See ya there!
© Copyright 1999 Lucio Cadeddu - https://www.tnt-audio.com
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